контактная информация
Радиационная физика и химия конденсированных сред
10-я Московская международная школа физики ИТЭФ
    Структура отдела
Проекты, гранты


10th International Moscow School of Physics (35th ITEP Winter School of Physics) «Fundamental basis for a new generation of nuclear energy technologies» is scheduled for February 12-18 (2007) and will be held in the hotel "Otradnoe" located on a picturesque cite near Moscow.

ITEP Winter School of Physics has a long tradition starting from the year 1973. The School usually attracts many participants from leading research centers and universities of Russia. High level of sessions is ensured by invitation of eminent lecturers well known in the international scientific community. Since 1994 the ITEP Winter School of Physics became international. Taking regards to the importance of the School, Moscow Government became a General Sponsor of the ITEP School of Physics since 1998.


Main topics of the School are:

  1. Radiation effects in solids;
  2. Low-activated construction materials;
  3. Nanotecnologies and nanomaterials in nuclear industry;
  4. Modern techniques for material studies;
  5. Physics of extreme state of matter.


School program is oriented toward advanced graduate students and post docs who are working or plan to work in this area. A detailed program will be distributed later.

It is planned to have four lectures (~ 4 hours) in each half-of-a-day session. Young participants (below 33) are welcome to present their original scientific contributions (in the mid-day hours). Due time will be also reserved for round-table discussions, cross-country skiing, other sports and excursions in some Moscow museums, theaters and sightseeing tours in Moscow. During post school days accommodation at the ITEP hostel in Moscow will be available.

The School working languages are Russian and English (synchronized translation is planned). Lectures and some selected presentations will be published in the Proceedings of the XXXV-th ITEP School, which will be distributed among participants.

The School fee amounts to 300 €. This sum covers ALL living expenses upon arrival during the school days. Participants have to pay themselves for their round-trip tickets to Moscow. The School fee is waved for young participants in case their presentation is accepted for the School program.

The number of participants will be limited to 100. All correspondence and requests for further information concerning the School should be sent directly to the members of the ORGANIZING COMMITTEE.



A.G.Zaluzhnyi ( co-chairman
A.F.Bobkov (
F.S.Dzheparov (
A.D.Fertman (
A.A.Golubev (
V.I.Grafutin (
N.E.Lazarev (
S.V.Rogozhkin (
S.V.Stepanov (



Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics SSC RF ITEP
B.Cheremushkinskaya, 25, 117218 Moscow, Russia

Phone: +7 (495) 123-80-93
Fax: +7 (495) 123-80-93


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